A third of babies born in the UK in 2013 will live until 100 years old. The “babyboomers” who are now reaching old age are living longer than previous generations. There is an island in Japan where life expectancy is 120. We were fascinated to discover that a lot of 65 year olds are now experiencing a midlife crisis. There is no roadmap for how anyone should behave now that 70 is no longer old and we may still have decades of living to do.
age is performed by ten older people who are creating that roadmap. They are the pioneers of aging, they are creating the art of growing old.
age is the result of a month long, sometimes hilarious, sometimes heart-breaking exploration of their thoughts, feelings and experiences of what it’s like to grow old in 2013.
You can watch the full performance or clips below:
Supported by
The Arts Council of Wales, The Baring Foundation and Chapter.
Marilyn Ankin Lynette Baxter David Carter Jeannette Carter Nicky Delgado Marianne Harman Terri Morrow Julian Moyle
Jean O’Grady Max Scott-Cook
Directors: Alison O’Connor & Karin Diamond
Assistant Director: Charlotte Shearsmith
Designer: Garry Bartlett
Design Assistant: Ben Dockrill
Stage Manager: Bethan Dawson
Lighting Designer: Dan Young
Poster Design by Garry Bartlett
Documented by Michael Blackwood Barnes
Edited by Steve Sullivan
Music composed by Neil White
Guitar: Neil White
Double Bass: Peter Komor
Accordion: James Clark
Drums: Rod Oughton