Karin Diamond Karin Diamond

#MeToo Wales: Stories from the Creative Industries

Following the outpouring of #MeToo stories from people who have experienced sexual harassment and abuses of power in the creative industries, Re-Live with support from Sherman Theatre will curate a bilingual event in which stories on this subject are heard for the first time in Wales.

The stories will be read by actors to an audience in the Sherman Theatre, Cardiff on Saturday Nov 25th. The stories will have all names, sensitive information and identifying details redacted, ensuring confidentiality and removing legal risk.

The aim of the event is to provide an opportunity for these stories to be witnessed by an audience followed by a discussion on how we work together to bring about change in the creative industries in Wales.

For more information about this event:



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Karin Diamond Karin Diamond

An exciting opportunity to work with Re-Live! Cyfle cynhyrfus i weithio gyda Re-Live!

We are looking for an experienced and meticulously organised individual with exceptional administrative coordination and marketing skills to join our small charity and to take the lead in co-ordinating our new training programme.

Please click on the link to find out more:


‘Rydym yn chwilio am berson profiadol a thu hwnt o drefnus gyda sgiliau gweinyddol a sgiliau chydlynnu heb eu hail i ymuno â’n tîm elusenol bychan ac i gydlynnu’r rhaglen hyfforddi newydd. 

Cliciwch ar y ddolen i ddarganfod mwy:







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