The Return/Y Dychweliad
A re-imagining of a WW1 Victory Ball that was held at Oakdale Workmen's Institute for returning veterans in 1919.
The Return/ Y Dychweliad will be an immersive life story theatre performance featuring ex-service personnel, their families, actors and community members.
Oakdale Workmen's Institute is a public building originally erected at Oakdale, Caerphilly in 1917 and now located at St Fagans National Museum of History, Cardiff.
There will be 3 performances at Oakdale Workmen’s Institute at St Fagans National Museum of History on March 14th, 15th and 16th 2019, marking the centenary of the original Victory Ball being held.
Tickets go on sale on Wednesday 13th February at 12pm. Tickets are free*
Tickets: www.museum.wales/stfagans/
The performance will interweave the Welsh and English languages. It will not be bilingual as such (there will be no subtitles or simultaneous translation), but both languages will be heard throughout the performance to varying degrees and the story will be clear to audience members throughout.
Ail-greu dawns fuddugoliaeth y Rhyfel Byd Cyntafa gynhaliwyd yn Sefydliad y Gweithwyr Oakdale ym 1919.
Perfformiad theatr ymdrochol fydd The Return/Y Dychweliad gan gyn-filwyr a’u teuluoedd fydd yn rhannu eu profiadau byw o ddychwelyd adref wedi rhyfel, gyda chymorth aelodau’r gymuned ac actorion proffesiynol.
Adeilad cyhoeddus yw Sefydliad y Gweithwyr Oakdale a adeiladwyd yn wreiddiol ym mhentref Oakdale, Caerffili, ym 1917 ac sydd bellach yn Sain Ffagan Amgueddfa Werin Cymru, Caerdydd.
Cynhelir tri pherfformiad yn Sefydliad y Gweithwyr Oakdale, yn Sain Ffagan Amgueddfa Werin Cymru ar 14, 15 ac 16 Mawrth 2019, i nodi canrif ers i’r ddawns wreiddiol gael ei chynnal.
Mae’r tocynnau yn rhad ac am ddim ac yn mynd werth ddydd Mercher 13eg Chwefror am 12pm*
*Rhaid talu £5 ar gyfer bob tocyn i gadw lle - caiff yr arian hwn ei ddychwelyd i'ch cyfrif banc o fewn 5 diwrnod gwaith ar ôl i chi fynychu'r digwyddiad
Tocynnau: www.amgueddfa.cymru/sainffagan/
Bydd y perfformiad yn plethu’r Gymraeg a’r Saesneg. Ni fydd yn ddwyieithog yn yr ystyr draddodiadol (ni fydd isdeitlau na chyfieithu ar y pryd), yn hytrach bydd y ddwy iaith i’w clywed drwy’r perfformiad i wahanol raddau. Bydd y stori’n glir i’r gynulleidfa drwyddi draw.
Re-Live’s journey into the arts with ex-service personnel and families began in 2012 with Abandoned Brothers, a ‘Life Story’ theatre production performed by veterans and families supported by the Arts Council of Wales. It was awarded an Arts and Health Practice Award from the Royal Society for Public Health.
Since 2015, Re-Live have been delivering an ongoing creative programme with ex-service personnel, families and community members called Coming Home, supported by the Community Covenant, the Arts Council of Wales, the Welsh Veterans Partnership and NHS Veterans Wales.
The programme aims to bridge the gap between civilian and military worlds by providing opportunities for ex-service personnel and families to build connections with community members through a shared creative experience.
Please see ‘Coming Home’ page: www.re-live.org.uk/coming-home/