A Story to Call My Own
Three older people spent several months working with Re-Live on an in depth process of reflection and life-review.
They have now created an autobiographical theatre show in which they take an audience on a journey through their lives
Company: Terri Morrow, Jeff Diamond, Marianne Harman
Audience feedback from performances at Chapter, Nov 2010:
"Such terrific stories... the three storytellers give exceptional performances. Just because they're telling their own stories I worry that some viewers might think it's relatively easy for them to perform, but I'm well aware that revealing their own histories is much more frightening and exposing than simply playing a part. There's also a tremendous skill in constructing those stories in a way that is constantly exciting, moving and dramatic. The whole team pulled this off expertly."
Nicholas Davies, Arts Development Officer , The Arts Council of Wales
“Absolutely riveting. Storytelling at its best. So glad I came!”
Audience Member
“We are so glad that we came down to see your show, it was simply wonderful and very, very moving. Just the right length to get the messages across, and beautifully put together. It for me really did show how older people can participate, and illustrated the value of a performance like this for lots of older people audiences, indeed for the young as well to help them better understand the past, and their parents/grandparents !”
Jamie Balfour, Director General, Winston Churchill Fellowship Trust
“I just wanted to say that I thought the performance ‘A Story to Call my Own’ was absolutely terrific. I found it to be a powerful, amusing, intelligent and emotive piece of theatre. Hard to believe that they were not trained actors. I thought that all 3 of the performers were incredibly impressive”
Matt Quinn, Carer and User Involvement Development Officer, Older People's Mental Health
“Magnificently sweet and humbling. Delivered so personally, I loved it. Made me realise the choices (or lack of) that people had back then. I enjoyed the fact that the older generation still loved the things we do, dancing, smoking and boys. Just the same really”
Audience member, aged 16
“Very moving and very funny, best thing I’ve seen in ages”
Audience member
“Your production was so good for the soul! Loved the life stories, a wonderful evening”
Audience member