Belonging/Perthyn - A collection of audience responses (2016 & 2018) :

“An absolutely superb performance. Belonging was an epic insight to the everyday experiences of dementia, totally stunning”. Student @ Trinity College, Twitter

“Still in awe from the emotional and powerful journey Belonging takes you on! Incredible theatre like this inspires me!” Student, Twitter

“Perfformiad andros o bwerus gan gast ‪@Re_live_orgheddiw perthyn. Wirioneddol wych. Dwi 'di crio a chwerthin. Werth ei gweld” Twitter

“Totally blew me away! Sensitive and spot on. Diolch Diolch” Facebook post

 “I saw Belonging in Chapter last night and I loved it. Just wanted to say that I brought two friends who don’t ever come to see any theatre and they loved it too! We’re now going to see a play next month for our night out! Thank you!” Facebook post

 “Wedi bod yn gweld ‪#Perthyngan ‪@Re_Live_Orgheddiw. Drama dirdynol sy'n adlewyrchu gymaint o brofiadau personol o ‪#dementia”Twitter

Still emotionally moved by truthful sincerity of ‪#perthynthis afternoon” Twitter

“Wn i ddim pryd fues i mewn "standing ovation" mewn theatr ddiwethaf ‪@re_live_org’ Twitter

“Hi, Just want to express how much I enjoyed your show on Saturday. I went with 2 friends, 1 of whom is going through this situation with her mum…Was so true to life and emotional. Thanks for giving me a different insight into this awful illness, its going to help me”  Facebook post

“I truly believe Belonging should not be confined to Wales and hope a UK national tour becomes a reality. I truly think it was more helpful than any leaflet as it portrayed the emotional aspect of everyone it touches so profoundly with humour, and the fear and denial…it was just perfect! I haven’t stopped talking about it. Hope Belonging goes from strength to strength as I’m sure it has given audience strength. Thanks again” Facebook post

“Just would like to say what an amazing enjoyment it was to see “belonging” yesterday in the galeri..Even though i was in tears leaving it touched me in so many ways…And too show how much dementia and althimers effects not only the individual but on their families…Noboby showed that before..Thats why i think its been an inspiration to me and others…Belonging will be in my heart always..Diolch yn fawr…Pob hwyl”Facebook post

“I wanted you to know how much your writing touched me on Saturday. Both my parents were victims, and you caught the highs and lows brilliantly. I’ve always said that good theatre should make you think of feel, or both. Belonging is great theatre, and is the first play that has ever made me cry. Not something a Welshman owns up to. Your writing also brought back so many memories of my parents, and I don’t think there is any gift greater that that. Thank you so very much” Facebook post

“Still thinking about ‪@Re_Live_Orgproduction Belonging 10 days later! Wonderful, honest stories and incredible performances. Go see it!” Twitter

“Os gewch chi gyfla ewch i weld Belonging/Perthyn gan Karin Diamond,cyfarwyddwr Peter Doran,Cwmni Re-Live.Roedda nhw'n Ucheldre,Caergybi neithiwr,cynulleidfa fechan ond perfformiad gwefreiddiol,cyfarwyddo di-rodres,effeithiol dros os da chi'n ffan o ddawnLlion' raid ichi ei weld o yn hon!” Facebook post

“Absolutely loved the show, dementia issues portrayed sensitively. Thanks again for BSL access, Liz was brill!” Twitter

“Perfformiad gwefreiddiol drama ‘Perthyn’ heno. Potread arbenning of dementia” Dr Elin Walker Jones

“Saw the performance of Perthyn in Carmarthen last night and all I can say is that it was awesome. For those who have had no experience of people or families living with dementia this would have been a real eye opener and hopefully the insight it gave would help them approach dementia sufferers in a way that would make the best of the experience for all concerned. I was amazed when the character of Morys transformed from a well man to one in an advanced state of dementia in just a matter of seconds and all the cast gave such convincing performances that we felt the fear and sadness of all concerned. From the comments of the audience as we left this play touched us all and certainly raised our awareness of the issues this dreadful illness raises” Facebook post

“Travelled from Shropshire to Bangor to see Belonging today - wonderful - laughed and cried in equal parts!!!” Facebook post

“It was a phenomenal show. The performances were so committed and honest. And the writing was fantastic. Thank you so much” Facebook post

“I'm not easily moved when I go to the theatre, but this was a beautifully written, directed and performed piece of work which made me laugh and cry from start to finish. It was honest, heartwarming and heartbreaking. If you get the chance to see its final performance in Swansea tonight GO!” Facebook post

“Os gewch chi gyfla ewch i weld Belonging/Perthyn gan Karin Diamond,cyfarwyddwr Peter Doran,Cwmni Re-Live. Perfformiad gwefreiddiol,cyfarwyddo di-rodres,effeithiol dros os da chi'n ffan o ddawn Llion' raid ichi ei weld o yn hon!” Marged Williams, Facebook post

“Dyma un o’r dramau mwyaf pwerus a phwysig imi weld. Pweidiwch a cholli cyfle i’w gweld. This is one of the most powerful and important plays that I’ve seen. Don’t miss an opportunity to see it”  Facebook post

“Incredible play…wow…left me speechless. Excellent performances” Facebook post

“What a breathtaking piece of theatre tonight at Carmarthen. Belonging/perthyn was an amazing piece of theatre accurately represented by such a talented cast, writer and director. Well done from all of the acting students at Trinity Saint David!” Facebook post

“When I was young my dream was to be an actress. I wanted to act because I knew that theatre could affect people, change behaviours and teach. It turns out I’m not an actress but if I was I would want to be working with Re-Liveon Belonging 2018. Thank you for great theatre” Twitter

“Mae hon yn sioe arbennig iawn... perfformiadau gwych gan gast sy’n deall. Nes i grio, chwerthin a bron gweiddi! Mae hi’n anodd gwylio rhywun diflannu o flaen eich llygaid. Karin Diamond ti werth y byd am greu y sioe yma. #diolch #dementiacare#cariad#powerful#BelongingPerthyn” Twitter

“Just seen "Belonging" in Mold - what a masterpiece! If you work with people with dementia this is a must see” Facebook

“Saw "Belonging" in Theatr Clwyd last night, and was blown away. Such a well written, well researched piece on #dementia. We laughed, we cried, we were genuinely moved. Go see it. #DementiaFriends@Re_Live_Org” Facebook

I seen this play in the Taliesin theatre on Friday! It was absolutely amazing! I laughed and cried in equal has left an imprint on my heart, the cast are amazing and tell the story so well. I would go and see it over and over again” Facebook

“It was such an emotional rollercoaster to watch but portrayed perfectly. It was absolutely spot on! Hoping to get the sister to come and watch tomorrow, thank you again” Facebook

“Attended last night’s performance – what a brilliant night! Very moving – took you to the heart of it all. So many angles are visited and put forward to the audience. Never portrayed with voyeurism – it democratises a very taboo subject in society. Meri Belonging!!!” Facebook

Today I went to Taliesin to see Karin Diamond‘s wonderful play Belonging, directed by Peter Doran; what a beautiful thing it was. Pleasing and cleverly designed set too from Carl Jonathan Arthur Davies. The acting from the entire cast was so minutely detailed and moving, the audience was mesmerised. So glad I caught it and everyone should see it, for its honesty and the hope it offered. I sat in my car and wept until my parking ran out” Facebook

“Amazing, moving performance. The acting is really incredible and the feedback in the Q and A shows the impact this play has in connecting with people affected by and working with #dementia. Thank you @Re_Live_Org” Twitter

Funny and moving. Terrific performances from everyone. An important and educational piece. cast & crew”Facebook

Finally, finally seen #Belongingby @Re_Live_Org@YFenniBoroughLoved it. Superb performances. Congrats @Poshcosh@pritchbachand all the rest of the cast and creative team!” Twitter

“Went to see #Belonging2018at the @TaliesinSwansealast night very powerful exploration of #Dementiamaybe useful for students on @CUGeriMSc@Re_Live_Org” Twitter

“Cynhyrchiad pwerus. Powerful production looking at #dementia” Twitter

“Heart wrenching, heart warming and powerful. Wonderful cast. Not a dry eye in the house. Thanks Karin #belonging2018. Good to see many of our caring staff there too @ABMhealth. Two more shows tomorrow, go if you can and take tissues!” Twitter

“Highly recommend #Belonging2018by Re-Live. An emotional and powerful piece of theatre which should be used for #Dementiatraining” Twitter

“Belonging takes you into the real lives of people living with dementia and their families. A must watch for anyone who’s life touches dementia personally or professionally. Thanks Re-Live for such a thought provoking experience” Twitter

“So wonderfully done @Re_Live_Orgsomething so truly special in sharing such an emotive and realistic story. You know it’s good when the lady sat next to you has to look through her bag because your eyes can’t stop leaking!” Twitter

I saw you in Cardiff. It was truly wonderful. It's one of the most powerful plays I've ever seen. The cast are excellent and their insight into living with dementia is both heartbreaking and inspiring. Gave me a lot to think about when it was over” Facebook

Beautifully done, people. Funny and moving and true - and an education” Twitter

“Such a moving drama, beautifully acted - diolch!” Twitter

“Crossing the border into Wales to @ClwydTweetsto see #Belonging2018by our friends @Re_Live_Org. Really looking forward to this” Twitter

“Great to see @teamedygc at #TheatreClwyd for @Re_Live_Org 'Belonging' sharing stories of #dementia from perspectives of person with, family, friends & professional carers as we work towards #dementiafriendly status” Twitter

Perfformiad gwych! Diolch o'r galon” Twitter

Fantastic storytelling by Re-Live. Reflecting upon our personal dementia journey and how we can take our learning forward @BCUHB” Twitter

“I found this play very moving and emotional and would like other staff to have the opportunity to able to see this play, hopefully it would help staff to understand the inpact dementia has on families” Facebook

“#Belonging#perthynsioe a pherfformiadau hynnod o deimladwy, cyffwrdd ym mhob un o’r gynulleidfa. Ben Di blydi gedig”Twitter

“Gwych perfformiad sydd yn cyffwrdd cymaint o emosiynau Diolch o i bawb yn @Re_Live_OrgEwch da chi i weld y ddrama hon!” Twitter

“Belonging is an incredibly moving and informative piece of theatre about life with dementia. Diolch a da iawn pawb @Re_Live_Org”Twitter

“Mae Perthyn yn sioe mor dorcalonnus a phwredig. Dw i wedi dysgu llawer, hefyd. Llongyfarchiadau Re-Live” Twitter

“Such a moving play - Belonging. Used to show effects of dementia but also a touching dramatic piece. Needs to seen. Brilliant” Twitter

 “As Drama lecturer at Gower College Swansea it is always difficult to source local theatre that is suitable for a young adult audience, supportive of what they are learning, affordable, and an experience that will prompt discussion back in the classroom. Re-Live's "Belonging," at Cardiff's Chapter Arts Centre, ticked all of these boxes.  The production's focus on dementia and its impact on the family resonated with each and every member of my group in attendance. From a drama educational point of view, there was much to discuss in terms of the performances and the design aspects of the production, providing the students with sound notes to draw upon for their AS and A-Level Drama written examinations. Those that had not been able to attend were actively encouraged to by their peers, when the production came to Swansea's Taliesin theatre at a later date.  More significantly, the students were not ashamed to open up about their own experiences of dementia in our follow up classroom discussions, and there was a sense amongst the young people that it was okay to talk openly and candidly about this dreadful illness. As one of the young learners put it, "we'll all be touched by it somehow, sometime." Wyn Richards | Drama and Acting lecturer | Gower College Swansea

 “It took a lot of deliberation over whether I felt I could attend the Belonging performance at Theatre Clwyd today. I had wondered whether it was perhaps a little 'too close for comfort' as my family has been coping with dad's vascular dementia for the last 10 years and we are perhaps at an upsetting stage of this disease. I am so glad that we attended! The eyes watered for the stark reminders; perhaps a reflection of how true to life this was for both the person with dementia and the carers.Most important for me was your inclusion of the person as they were before (kind, caring, protector, intelligent). This is important for a family who know so well the person before the disease and their fear that carers and the community will not see beyond the unusual behaviour or their practical needs. The performance was very powerful from the cast, who all connected so well with the audience” Audience Member

I came to see the performance in Abergavenny yesterday. It was amazing. What a powerful and moving way of explaining the complexity of dementia and the impact it has on relationships and families. The play covered so many important issues and managed to keep the audience gripped from start to finish. We laughed and cried and came away feeling exhausted but inspired. I really do feel that this play should be seen as vital awareness training for anyone going into health and social care professions and hope that you get commissioned to take this on tour again and again. It was so enjoyable to watch such expert actors and see a beautifully designed set. I am fortunate to have a creative approach due to time in art college and understand the value of the arts as away of raising awareness and getting people involved. At the moment I run a volunteering project in Monmouthshire and I have been looking at evaluating what we do using performance. Last year we commissioned a poet to explain our befriending service and it was brilliant in getting the stories across to other organisations and funders. Thank you very much for the performance, 9 of us came along from our projects and we all gained a lot and went away buzzing!” Audience Member